Open house ? Staging your house is right there at the top of the most important steps to follow when selling a property. It is your best and first secret to inspire clients and paint a picture of what their dream home can be. Putting in the work can help sell the property up to 80% faster.

These steps can help you to create a great staging

  1. The first thing clients will see is the outside! Make sure that the lawn is taken care of, beautiful colorful plants, clean walk-way . Also place your business board in a place clients will see as they drive up . The outside of the home needs to be clean. Wash the windows, clean the gutters, and pressure wash the outside of the home. A new coat of paint won't hurt if you can squeeze it in the budget.
  2. Adapt as your clients walk in. Every person is different . It is your work to read your client and adapt. This will go a long way in knowing which parts of the home to illuminate and focus on.
  3. Throw out the old welcome mat and lay out a new one - a branded mat with your company logo will even be better.
  4. Smelllllls! Yes , If your client is about to walk into a home smelling like wet dog, smoke or dust - they will immediately get a bad perception! It is how our brain work. Association. Light a scented candle, put out fresh flowers - Indulge their senses.
  5. Clean ! The least expensive step to take is cleaning! Everything looks better when it is cleaned, dusted and polished. Note that clients will scrutinize every inch of the home , so triple check your cleaning.
  6. Every room in a home has a purpose - Use big pieces, bright colors , whatever you can find to emphasize the purpose. The main goal is to accentuate the best part of the room. A batch of freshly baked cookies in the kitchen is pure gold.
  7. Declutter and depersonalize - Packing away unnecessary things will keep the focus on the home's highlights . Put away personal items. New clients want to imagine it as their dream home, not yours.
  8. Light fixtures - Don't give away the age of your home by keeping old outdated fixtures. New light fixtures can brighten up the room and change the feel completely. If you already have new fixtures - get it cleaned! Also always remember that natural light can make a room seem magical, so let that natural light in.
  9. What about the backyard? Ensure the lawn, garden etc is maintained. No weeds, dry grass, empty garden beds or rubble laying around. Look at the features you have to work with and go with it ! A cozy tea corner , a pool with a lapa, maybe even a hot tub. Find the focus point and decorate it accordingly.
  10. Natural features do wonders. Show off that raw wood dining table and fresh flowers .
  11. A neat tip is a suggestion box - Put out a suggestion box and paper so clients can write comments and suggestions about the property.

There is a lot more you can do to give your property a make-over. Keep your focus on the positive features you have, put in the work and you will sell your property before you know it.